Oak Flats High School

Your place to learn and grow

Year 7 Motivated Learners Class

At Oak Flats High School we encourage and support all students to aspire, achieve and succeed. We seek to identify and cater for the needs of students who are commitment to and assume responsibility for their own learning in order to achieve their best educational outcomes. One way in which we do this is by providing opportunity for students to nominate themselves for the Motivated Learners Class.


Motivated Learners are recognised as students who demonstrate the following attributes:

  • Positive Attitude Motivated Learner students will be highly motivated with a desire to extend themselves and to achieve the best possible outcomes.
  • Good Behaviour Motivated Learner students will follow all rules, be cooperative and will encourage the learning of others.
  • Excellent Class Work Motivated Learner students will complete all set work, including homework and extension work, thus maximising their learning opportunities.
  • Extra-Curricular Activities Motivated Learner students will participate in a variety of school based extra- curricular activities that support their learning opportunities in the classroom.

Each semester, students in Motivated Learners classes will be subject to review in relation to these criteria. Students not meeting the criteria will be withdrawn from the Motivated Learners Class.



Oak Flats High School and its teachers will develop a positive learning environment by providing extension opportunities that strengthen the learning of Motivated Learners students. This will involve participation in additional activities such as master classes, workshops, community projects and competitions.



Motivated Learners Class applications will be available in early March each year. Notifications of the outcome of Motivated Learners Class applications begin in May.

For more information on the application process please click here: Motivated Learners Class Criteria

Please click here for the Motivated Learners Class Year 7 Application


For more information about the Year 7 Motivated Learners Class and the application process please contact Mr Wade Jenkins, Deputy Principal by phone on 4256 1888 or by email to oakflatsh.school@det.nsw.edu.au