Oak Flats High School

Your place to learn and grow

School Sport

Sport and physical activity is a valued and mandatory part of our school's curriculum, contributing to the development of an individual’s wellbeing. It provides an opportunity for students to build on their social, physical, emotional and mental dimensions of health. The skills learnt in Physical Education and Sport transition across to everyday life, which will help students develop into resilient and successful members of society.


Each year, Oak Flats High School holds three major carnivals: swimming, cross-country and athletics. Attendance at these carnivals, like a normal school day, is mandatory. The school is divided into four sports houses named after Australian athletes: Freeman (yellow), Thorpe (green), Fraser (blue) and Bradman (red). Students are allocated a House upon enrolment.


In Years 7-12 students are given a choice of participating in Grade Sport (Terms 2-3 only) or Recreational Sport (Terms 1-4). In all DET schools, 150 minutes of school sport  each week is mandatory and participation at some level is expected of every student in Years 7 to 11. If there is any illness, injury or disability that prevents participation, a medical certificate should be sent to the Sports Organiser and front office as soon as possible. Students unable to participate in sport remain at school and are supervised in the Information Centre during the sports afternoon.