Oak Flats High School

Your place to learn and grow

Rock and Water

Rock and Water

The Rock and Water program at Oak Flats High School is designed to empower Year 7 and 8 students with essential life skills, focusing on self awareness, emotional resilience, and respectful relationships. Running once a week for an hour, the program is delivered in separate boys' and girls' groups over the course of the year, with each year group receiving a term of sessions. Students explore key principles of the Rock and Water program, including self control, body language awareness, the importance of staying grounded, and how to build positive relationships. Through engaging activities, students will develop strategies for managing their emotions, maintaining a positive self concept, and enhancing their communication skills. The program fosters a sense of belonging, confidence, and emotional intelligence, helping students navigate challenges both in and out of school.

The Year 7 groups are taught by trained Rock and Water facilitators, Miss Ucles (Year 7 girls) and Mr. Lawson (Year 7 boys), while the Year 8 groups are taught by trained Rock and Water facilitators, Ms. Claydon (Year 8 girls) and Mr. Preedy (Year 8 boys).

More information about the Rock and Water program is available on the website:  http://www.rockandwater.com.au/