Oak Flats High School

Your place to learn and grow

Bullying - what to do

Bullying and harassment 

Oak Flats High School is an inclusive school where individual differences are respected. As a community Oak Flats High School values care respect for others and responsibility. The focus of quality education is for students to learn and grow with confidence. Students develop best in schools where teaching and learning occurs in a context of student well being. Every student has the right to learn within a secure, happy, fair and supportive environment. Bullying or harassment is not acceptable at Oak Flats High School.


This is any action by a person or group of people who make another person feel threatened, unsafe or offended.

This could be:


  • comments about your appearance
  • gender
  • race/culture
  • name calling
  •  exclusion

Physical threats

  •  attacks
  •  extortion
  •  touching, damaging or stealing property

Cyber bullying 

  • text messages
  • computer / msn / Facebook

Our School Policy

  • All students have the right to learn and all staff has the right to teach in a safe, secure, non-threatening happy environment:
  • this extends beyond the school grounds
  • all complaints will be taken seriously and dealt with
  • repeat offences and harassment with violence will lead to suspension
  • if this makes you feel unsafe, then it is bullying and harassment and must be reported.

Harassment is determined by the victim not by the bully. If it makes you feel unsafe, then it is harassment and should be reported.

What to do?

If you feel you are being harassed or bullied, then you can go to:

  • your classroom teacher
  • a teacher you feel comfortable talking to
  • your year adviser
  • head teacher welfare - Mrs D. O'Brien
  • the anti-racism officer - Mrs D. O'Brien
  • peer mediation coordinator – Miss Cartwright
  • deputy principals – Mr Coleman, Mrs Fock and Mrs Fellows
  • principal – Mr  Byron.

Remember: If you don't report bullying and harassment, you are telling the bully it is okay to treat you this way. You must not retaliate or take matters into your own hands. Seek help! Bullies need to be stopped!

Oak Flats High School Harassment and Bullying Policy

  • bullying or harassment of any student will not be tolerated
  • students who harass and bully other students will be dealt with through the discipline system
  • all teachers can be approached to help every student
  • programs and initiatives are put in place to promote the safety of students in public schools.

Oak Flats High School Discipline Structure

As a part of the discipline structure all teachers will act upon students being harassed or bullied in and out of the classroom.

First offence – warning (possible referral to mediation depending upon situation).

Second offence - letter home.

Third offence – school sanction detention.

Fourth offence – suspension (although suspension could occur at an earlier stage depending on the severity of the situation).