Students are encouraged to visit the Oak Flats High School careers website page.
The schools careers website is a particularly useful one stop shop for all careers information and provides support for students writing resumes, cover letters and to research their career options.
The careers office location is in the Information Centre - at the top of the stair and is normally open every day. Oak Flats High School provides students and their families with a comprehensive support and resource careers centre. The overarching aim of the careers office is to assist with examining options to assist with a positive transition from school to work, or from school to a relevant post school education/training destination.
Students are provided with the very latest information about;
- courses,
- training options,
- employment labour markets trends,
- group training companies,
- University and technical and further education (TAFE) entrance, scholarships, alternative entry pathways,
- private training providers, group training providers, group training companies,
- student fees,
- how to apply for a job,
- how best to document employment related skills, apprenticeships, traineeships, interview preparation etc.
Every student is treated individually and given the opportunity to create individual career plans.
All students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are strongly encouraged to meet with the Mr Wishart, our careers adviser, at least once a year in order to discuss their career options and to formulate a plan for their future. Making an appointment is easy - just come to the careers office and put your name in the student booking diary at a time that suits you.
Students are encouraged to talk with the careers adviser to seek help with subject selection so that subjects studies at school will be prepared students for entry into the myriad of post school course options.