Oak Flats High School

Your place to learn and grow

Behaviour Education Plan (BEP)

Behaviour Education Plan (BEP)

The BEP program aligns with the schools approach to Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), and in keeping with the OFHS school values; Care, Respect and Responsibility. It identifies students and aims to develop their skills in organisation, relationship building and goal setting, while being in a small group setting.

The BEP program allows students to ‘check in’ daily during Roll Call with their coordinator to ensure they are settled and prepared for the day’s learning.

Students are rewarded for reaching or working towards their daily goals, through a point system where they can use points to purchase prizes. At the completion of the program they attend an excursion that revolves around reflecting on what they have achieved. 

Merit Reward Program

At Oak Flats High School, we value the contributions that our students make to the school and we wish to recognise and reward deserving students. Students will be eligible to receive one merit per lesson/activity and attendance merits will beworth more. The Merit Reward System works on a points structure wherestudents achieve points for:

  • Academic / Attainment 
  • Encouragement
  • Attitude
  • Presentation /  Organisiation
  • Service
  • Sport
  • School
  • School Travel
  • Community
  • Social Skills